Price Checks

On-demand pricing data for data-driven negotiations

Overpaying on renewals and new purchases eats away at your bottom line. Price Checks provide the data and confidence you need to make sure you're never paying your suppliers more than you should.

Get pricing data on-demand

Level the negotiation playing field with instant access to unbiased pricing data pulled for thousands of active SaaS contracts.

Tropic Platform User Interface Illustration
Tropic Platform User Interface Illustration

Compare with apples-to-apples accuracy

Set your sights on a precise price target that aligns with your exact plan, add-ons, billing terms, and contract size.

Build reports in less than 60 seconds

With on-demand Price Checks for over 300 popular SaaS products—and more added every day—you can generate a personalized report in less than 60 seconds.

See all the detail you need

Go deeper than “good” or “bad” with visibility into granular insights like median price, annual per unit price, and your pricing percentile.

Ready to find out how much you could actually be saving on SaaS?

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