On-demand SaaS pricing data

Unbiased SaaS pricing benchmarks provide the data, confidence, and direction you need to make sure you spend your time as wisely as you spend your dollars.

Prioritize the negotiations that matter

Run simple price queries that help you get laser focused on the new purchases and renewals that have actual savings potential.

Know what you should pay for software

Tropic provides the benchmark data you need to have confidence in the price you’re paying for software.

See all the detail you need without the wait

Generate a personalized report using your exact plan and gain visibility into granular insights…all in under 60 seconds.

The Leading Unbiased Supplier Database

Tropic provides unbiased SaaS pricing data for hundreds of suppliers. We never take kick-backs or commissions, ensuring what you’re seeing is really the best price.

On-Demand Access

Generate reports without the wait. Self-serve access means you can identify which negotiations are worth your time in just minutes.

SKU-Level Queries

Review SaaS pricing down to the SKU-level, or combine multiple SKUs into one search.

Detailed Pricing Analysis

Dive deep into pricing data with detailed analysis of individual SKUs and service packages.

Sharable Reports

Easily share your pricing reports with stakeholders to keep everyone informed.

Drive savings and efficiency at any stage

Discover why hundreds of companies choose Tropic to gain visibility and control of their spend.